The ‘new Tech Pallottines’ taking over the mantle of leadership at St.Vincent Pallotti College,Nagpur

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engineering college

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On 15th June 2018 Fr. Dr. Paul Chandrankunnel took charge as Director in place of Fr. George Medeikkal and Dr. Surendra Gole as the new Principal of St.Vincent Pallotti College, Nagpur. The program was blessed by the presence of Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan, Chairman of the Nagpur Pallotine Society and Priovincial Rector, Religious Sisters, Teaching and Non-Teaching staff members. We wish them success in taking ahead the prestigious institution.

Beginning of the New Academic Year at Pallottigiri, Trivandrum


Pallottigiri began its new academic year on 13 June 2018 with the solemn Holy Eucharist presided over by Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan, Provincial Rector. The community has 8 new entrants to first year, 03 to Second year and Rev. Fr. Tomy Philip as the New Rector and Rev. Fr. Wilson Puthenpurayil as the new Bursar. We wish all the Formators and brothers  God’s choicest blessings for the days ahead.

Initiation of students to Preparatory Formation at Pallotti Sadan, Idukki

Novices 18-19

On 09 June 2018, after a day of preparation and recollection, seven brothers were initiated into the period of Preparatory Formation by Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan, Provincial Rector. We wish all novices a sojourn with God and our Founder.

Kimin Mission bids farewell to its Shepherd and extends welcome to the New



Rev. Fr. Wilson Puthenpurayil, who served as the Parish Priest of Kimin Mission for the last six years, bid farewell to Arunachal Pradesh to take up his new assignment in Kerala. The installation of Rev. Fr. Shyjesh George as the new Parish Priest, and Rev. Fr. Jijo Jacob as the Assistant Parish Priest of Queen Mary Catholic Church, Kimin also took place on 03 June 2018. Rev. Fr. Joseph Vadayaparambil of the Itanagar Diocese installed both of them to their respective responsibilities in the Kimin mission.

First and Perpetual Consecration

final profession

The First Consecration and the Perpetual Consecration of 14 of our brothers took place on 31 May 2018 at Pallotti Bhawan,Nagpur. The Holy Eucharist was presided over by Most.Rev.Thomas Thennatt, Bishop of Gwalior and Most.Rev.Fr.Varghese Pullan, Provincial Rector, received their consecration. We wish them God’s choicest blessings in their commitment to God and to the Society.

Sad Demise of Archbishop Abraham Viruthukulangara


It was highly shocking to know about the sudden death of our beloved Archbishop Abraham. He passed away in the very early morning hours of 19 April 2018 at the CBCI centre ,New Delhi. It is truly sad to lose such a great yet simple and humble bishop who was loved and liked by all irrespective of caste, creed and religion. His whole spirituality can be summed up in one  word – “The spirituality of Presence”. Archbishop was a great friend and an inspiration to the Pallottines in India. The Pallottine family owes so much to Archbishop Abraham. May his soul rest in peace.