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The society of the Catholic Apostolate is an International Community of priests and brothers founded by a Roman Priest, St. Vincent Pallotti (1795 – 1850). From his name it receives its popular name “Pallottines”.
Today Pallottines carry out the mission of bringing together all the people for the purpose of spreading the Good News throughout the World.
The Prabhu Prakash Province, one of the Provinces under the Society of the Catholic Apostolate, carries out this mission of the Pallottines in India. The fathers and brothers of the Province spend their lives educating the poor and underprivileged, animating the social and apostolic activities, caring for the orphans and homeless, serving parishes, conducting retreats and promoting evangelization.

We welcome you to join us on our lifelong journey to bring together all people to spread the Good News in the diverse realities of India.

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Vision & Mission


During the first half of the 19th century, St. Vincent Pallotti was among those whom God enriched with his gifts and inspiration for the purpose of helping the Church to fulfill her mission.
Faced with the worsening crisis of faith that the Church of his time had to confront and the ever-increasing tasks for the spreading of the Gospel in mission territories, Saint Vincent Pallotti saw the urgent need to revive faith and renew charity among Catholics, with the intention of bringing all people to the unity of faith in Christ.
To respond to this need, he considered it indispensable to secure the collaboration of all the members of the Church, both clergy and laity, and to unify their efforts in order to promote with greater effectiveness her apostolic mission.


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Like every association within the Catholic Church, the Society of the Catholic Apostolate has a specific mission, given by the founder. During the 170 years of its existence, Pallotti’s foundation had to face many challenging situations. After Vatican Council II, the Society took upon itself the responsibility to redefine its mission, taking into account the original ideas of the Founder, its historical development and the actual needs of the Church. The most important “reason of being” of the Society is that it has in common with the mission of Jesus Christ and of the Church, that is, “to revive faith and re-enkindle charity of the entire people of God and to spread faith and charity in the world, so that soon there may be but one flock and one shepherded’ (John 10,16).
This general mission, common with the whole Church, gets its specific imprint by Pallotti’s idea of the “catholic”, universal apostolate, which for St. Vincent Pallotti became the guiding idea of his activities. Such a concept of mission presupposes that every one is called to follow Jesus Christ and to shoulder his/her responsibility for the mission of the Church, to instill in all a profound conviction of their personal call to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and inspire them for a life with and for Christ. Generally we can say that the mission of the Society is to increase the collaboration among the among the members of the Church, that is, among the diocesan priests, the male and female religious and the laity to fulfill fully and more efficiently the apostolic tasks.