Formators meetingThe Formators meeting of all the three Pallottine entities in India organised by Permanent Secretariat for Formation (PSFI) took place at Pallottine Animation Centre, Nagpur on 14-15 August 2018. A total of 25 Formators from the three provinces took part in the meeting. Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan, President of the Conference of Major Superiors in India, welcomed all in the inaugural address. The main sessions were taken by Rev. Fr. Jacob Nampudakam, Rector General on “Priesthood according to Pallotti” and by Rev. Fr. Jossie Lobo S.J.  on “Holiness of Priesthood” dwelling on Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis. We thank and appreciate the efforts of the PSFI in arranging this program.



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UAC National Congress, organized by the National Coordination Council of India (NCCIn) took place at the Pallottine Animation Centre, Nagpur on 10-12 August 2018. 150 members including Priests, Sisters, Lay members and associates from different entities participated in the National Congress. The National Congress dealt with the main theme of ‘Communion and Co- responsibility’ with the additional theme of family apostolate. The sessions on the themes were taken by Rev. Fr. Jacob Nampudakam, Rector General, Rev. Fr. Derry Murphy, Rev. Fr. Selvaraj and Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan. It was a wonderful time of coming, being and sharing together for the participants of the Congress. We thank and appreciate the members of NCCIn led by Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan for the beautiful organization and arrangements.