Social Apostolate Commission is an auxiliary body of the Provincial Administration. The task of this Commission consists of the coordination and the assistance to the work of the Province in the mission territories. This Commission fulfils the function of a bridge between the Pallottine communities that exist in the mission territories and the others who work in other parts of the Province. It also works towards the collaboration of the lay faithful in the mission endeavors of the Province. As regards the latter, this Coision tries to increase the awareness that all are responsible for the proclamation of the Gospel in the whole world. It works in collaboration with the General Secretariat for the Missions. The General Secretariat for the Missions organizes every six years a Congress of the Secretaries for the Missions, during which the actual experiences are shared and future activities are discussed.


Fr. Siju Jose Kuliraniyil (President)

Bro. George Chemplamparampil 

Fr. Dominic Pullen 

Fr. Mejo Jose Vattoly 

Fr. Jacob James Poovathottathil