




St. Vincent Pallotti Catholic School, Westwood, Zambia is blessed to have a new building for the Primary School. On October 19, 2018 the Provincial Rector of Epiphany of the Lord Province, Nagpur, India, Very Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan SAC officiated the blessing ceremony. Very. Rev. Fr. Joe Koyickal SAC, the Provincial Rector of the Mother of God Province, Milwaukee, USA inaugurated the school building. The function also saw the presence of The District Education Board Secretary, Mr. Langson Chibuye, the Mayor of Chilanga District, Mrs. Annie Brown and other Pallottine Fathers, parents and well- wishers. We express heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made this dream come true. May God bless us.


Formators meetingThe Formators meeting of all the three Pallottine entities in India organised by Permanent Secretariat for Formation (PSFI) took place at Pallottine Animation Centre, Nagpur on 14-15 August 2018. A total of 25 Formators from the three provinces took part in the meeting. Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan, President of the Conference of Major Superiors in India, welcomed all in the inaugural address. The main sessions were taken by Rev. Fr. Jacob Nampudakam, Rector General on “Priesthood according to Pallotti” and by Rev. Fr. Jossie Lobo S.J.  on “Holiness of Priesthood” dwelling on Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis. We thank and appreciate the efforts of the PSFI in arranging this program.



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UAC National Congress, organized by the National Coordination Council of India (NCCIn) took place at the Pallottine Animation Centre, Nagpur on 10-12 August 2018. 150 members including Priests, Sisters, Lay members and associates from different entities participated in the National Congress. The National Congress dealt with the main theme of ‘Communion and Co- responsibility’ with the additional theme of family apostolate. The sessions on the themes were taken by Rev. Fr. Jacob Nampudakam, Rector General, Rev. Fr. Derry Murphy, Rev. Fr. Selvaraj and Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan. It was a wonderful time of coming, being and sharing together for the participants of the Congress. We thank and appreciate the members of NCCIn led by Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan for the beautiful organization and arrangements.

Indian Pallottine Brothers Meet at Pallotti Bhawan, Nagpur



A gathering of Permanent Brothers in India took place on 28 July 2018 at Pallotti Bhawan. All the Permanent Brothers in India, viz. Rev. Bro. Richard Arackal, Rev. Bro. Libnus Kujur, Rev. Bro. Francis Tirkey and Rev. Bro. C. J. George participated in the meeting. They spent their day in prayer and sharing their experiences. Pallotti Bhawan Community also felicitated them for their many years of faithful service.

Golden & Ruby Jubilee Celebrations at Nagpur

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On 21 July 2018 the Conference of the Major Superiors in India organised the concluding of the Bicentenary celebration of the Priestly Ordination of St. Vincent Pallotti coupled with the celebration of the Golden and Ruby Jubilee of 12 of our confreres at Mary Queen of Apostles Church, Nagpur. Rev. Fr. Joseph Tharakunnel celebrated his 50th year of Priestly Ordination and Rev. Bro. Richard Arackal, the Golden jubilee of  his Perpetual Consecration. The joy was doubled by the Ruby Jubilee Celebration of 10 of our confreres: Rt. Rev. Thomas Thennatt SAC, Bishop of Gwalior, Rev. Fr. Abraham Kizhakekoottu SAC , Rev. Fr. Mathew Panakal SAC, Rev. Fr. Leo Felix Monroe SAC, Rev. Fr. Sakayidas Thazhathoppil SAC, Rev. Fr. William Bara SAC, Rev. Fr. Benedict Monteiro SAC, Rev. Fr. John Sabha Sunder SAC, Rev. Fr. James Palakudy SAC and Rev. Fr. Alois Kujur SAC. The Holy Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Rt. Rev. Thomas Thennatt. Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan, Provincial Rector of Prabhu Prakash Province welcomed the gathering and Rev. Fr. Jacob Nampudakam, Rector General preached the homily. The Jubilarians were also felicitated after the Eucharist for their many years of dedicated service.

Indian Pallottine Pastors Meet 2018


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Indian Pallottine Pastors Meet(IPPM), organised by the Conference of the Major Superiors(CMS) in India was held  on 18-20 July 2018 at PAC, Nagpur. Pastors from all the 3 Indian Pallottine Provinces attended the meet. In the Inaugural session, Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan, President of the Conference of the Major Superiors in India, cordially welcomed all the participants and the resource persons. Resource persons who animated the meet included Rt. Rev. Chacko Thottumarickal SVD, Bishop of Indore, Rev. Fr. Jacob Nambudakam SAC, Rt. Rev. Thomas Thennatt SAC, Rev. Fr. Denilson Gerald SAC, General Consultor, Rev. Fr. Milton Gonsalves, Secretary, CCBI Commission for Family and Mr. William Raphael, Secretary to the Pastoral Council of Indore Diocese.

St. Thomas day at Pallotti Bhawan



Pallotti Bhawan had a remarkable celebration of the Solemnity of St. Thomas, the Apostle on 3rd July. The community sought the blessing of St. Thomas during the Solemn Eucharistic Celebration held in the Syro-Malabar rite. The day was made memorable with the Inter-Batch Arts competitions, that included Elocution, Quiz, Group Song and Solo singing competitions.

To the Gwalior mission



Two young and vibrant missionaries, Rev. Fr. Fredinand Franco and Rev. Fr. Bibin Sebastian, have joined the Gwalior Diocese as part of extending our collaboration with the Diocese of Gwalior. They were sent after  the Holy Eucharist and special prayers held at Pallotti Bhawan on 2nd July 2018 and Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan accompanied them to Gwalior. We wish them fruitful seasons in their missionary  undertakings.



On 29 June 2018, commemorating the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, the Pallottine family was blessed to have 31 young men raised to the order of Deacons. The con-celebrated Holy Eucharist was presided over by Most. Rev. K.A. William, Bishop of Mysore, in the presence of Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullan, Provincial Rector of Prabhu Prakash Province and fathers, sisters and faithful from in and around Mysore. Four of these 31 Deacons are from the Prabhu Prakash Province, five from the Khrist Jyothi Province and twenty from ABVM Province and two from other Dioceses. We congratulate them and pray that God’s blessings be upon them as they follow His way and wish them a fruitful Diaconate ministry.


SCC Introductory Workshop at PAC

SCC workshop at PAC

An introductory workshop on Small Christian Community was organised by Pallottine Animation Centre from 17 to 22 June 2018. The national service team for SCC’s led by Fr. George Jacob (secretary to NST for SCC under CBCI) guided the workshops and sessions. In all 43 participants, including priests, religious and lay people from the dioceses of Raipur, Sambalpur, Khuti, Ranchi and Khumta attended the workshop. Congratulations to the Director of PAC for taking the initiative in organising the workshop for the promotion of SCCs.