
My God,

I am the most

Unworthy of all

To think of you,

To speak of you,

To do anything

For you!

A witness to the works

Of mercy,

Both material

And spiritual.

My God,

Permit me to call the night

That is given to me for rest,

‘The night of your infinite mercy.’

Trust in God and

God will be

Sufficient for you.

Religion must be defended

By its followers by means

Of honest witness, and

The authenticity of their words,

Thus demonstrating

The reasonableness

Of religion.

My God,

Permit me to call the light

That daily shines upon me,

‘The light of

Your infinite mercy.’

I ask you to

Become peaceful,

Because your complaints are

Too frequent and without

Real grounds.

In God,

I am always united to you.

Your obsessions, your fears are

Like a turbulent stream

Which cannot be curbed…

Because you do not

Want to profit by them.

Let us not

Lose sight

Of the memory

Of our sins.

Our Lord Jesus Christ

Is truly free!

The title “Catholic Apostolate!”

Each and everyone

Must be imbued with a burning desire

To do everything in his or her power to

Promote the greater glory of God.

Jesus Christ

Does all things in us.

May the love

Of the Holy Spirit

Flow into our hearts.

You write to me

Because I tell you the truth.

The most important concern

Which whole world can

Have is the saving

Of a single soul.

Lord, make my life In the Upper Room

Where the Apostles

Received the Holy Spirit.

The Catholic Apostolate

Is common to all classes of people

And consists in doing whatever

Anyone can and should do

For the greater honor of God

And for our own and

Our neighbor’s

Eternal salvation.

I will try to free myself

From everything that prevents

Me from obtaining

This treasure that God is.

I would like

To become a drink

To quench the thirsty

How tender is the heart

Of Jesus Christ,

Whose love would not permit Him

To refuse those horrible tortures.

If only I could love God

To such an extent

As to give God

An infinite glory.

Let us walk trusting Christ,

Like a gazelle or a young

Heart swift on all the world.

We do not love

Our neighbor as ourselves

Unless we care

for our neighbor’s

eternal salvation

as if it were our own.


With increasing fervor,

Unites the contemplative life

With the active,

Will realize the fullness

Of Christ.

Consider what it means:

God dwells within you.

See to it that nothing turns

You away form God.

You are not destined

To be a Trappist or a hermit.

Be holy in the world.

I intend from all eternity

And forever to live

And continue to live

The love of God.

Let us pray

That the work

Of the Blessed Trinity

Be realized in us,

Cherished by us

And be increasingly

More valuable to us.

Your holiness

Is simply to do

The will of God,

To do it always

And everywhere.

Inhale the divine

By just looking to God

Who is everywhere.

Wherever I shall be,

I shall picture myself

As among all

The love of our lord Jesus Christ

Urges everyone to the work of

The apostolate so that they may

Receive the honorable title


Whoever trusts in God will

Not be confused.


In the Eucharist.

In order to begin

To love God


Interior recollection.

Before beginning

Any of our daily works,

We should consider

What would be

the thoughts of Jesus

and the affections

of His Divine Heart.


Relying on your infinite

Mercy, I wish to receive you

In every moment

— forever.

Does God thirst

For my soul,

And my soul

Not thirst for God?

Jesus, our brother

In the Eucharist.

Jesus, our doctor and remedy

In the Eucharist.

My God, my mercy…

Arouse and preserve in me

The hunger and thirst

To be more and

More like you.

Let us hate that fault

Of having delayed

To love God,

Who is so worthy

Of infinite love.

May the most precious

Will of God

Be our food,

Our drink, our rest

And our heaven

On earth.

My Jesus,

How unworthy I am

To come to visit you.

Instead of rejecting me,

You call me, wait for me,

Welcome me because

You wish to fill me

With grace.

The principal goal of the union

Of the Catholic Apostolate:

To promote in any possible way,

The increase of the spiritual

And temporal means

For the spreading

Of holy faith.

Put yourself

Into God’s hands…

Everything will go well.

I would like

to become medicine

and health for the sick.

Jesus, our food and grace

In the Eucharist.

Jesus, our treasure and

Happiness in the Eucharist.

Jesus, infinitely loved and


By the peace of mind

God gives you.

My Jesus

You have worked wonders

To draw me to your love.

Do it again and again,

So that I may

Be all your love.

My God,

Permit me to call

the air I breathe,

The earth I walk upon,

‘the air and earth

of your infinite mercy’.

Be convinced

That you have received

The gift of priesthood

Through the mercy of God.

When Jesus Christ

Teaches you to ask

For something in prayer,

It is a sign that he wishes

You to have it.

Not food and drink,

Not tranquility and riches,

Not respect and honors,

But God.

There are few

Who constantly strive

To imitate Jesus Christ

The Son desire to feed me in the Eucharist. Courage is but frailly at is best
We imitate Jesus Christ,

who is the Apostle

of the Eternal father.

Expect everything

Through the intercession of

The Blessed Virgin Mary,

Queen of Apostles.

Not the intellect, but God,

Not the will, but God,

Not the heart, but God.

We imitate Jesus Christ,

who is the Apostle

of the Eternal father.

How I rejoice to hear you say

In your need that

Now you have turned to God.

Mary says to us:

Lead a life of a true follower

Of my divine son,

And you will indeed

Be the salt of the earth

And the light

Of the world.

If possible,

Combine the activity of Martha

With the contemplation

Of Magdalene.

What I tell others to do,

I must first do myself!

Any Christian

Devoutly enjoys

The thought of having

To imitate the lord

Jesus Christ.

When you feel

guilty and confused,

let it not be the confusion

of a despairing soul

But one that

is repenting.

Through their eternal and

Infinite love, the Father ad

My discomfort, my worry,
My sinfulness,

My ungratefulness,

Who can fathom them?

No one but you my God!

To satisfy the hungers

Of your heart in things,

But in God

The creator of all things,

Their beginning and end.

Follow the advice Paul

The Apostle whether you eat

Or drink or whatever you do,

Do all for the love of God.

We should choose that type

Of inner prayer,

Which we find

The least difficult and

The most fruitful.

We do no love

Our neighbor as ourselves

Unless we care for our

Neighbor’s eternal salvation

As if it were our own

Lay up your treasure in

Heaven, where thieves

Can not break in.

Be large-handed

To God’s poor

And to God’s work!

How many people could only

Open their eyes

To the light of truth,

How different would the scene be

That their eyes gaze on.

May the life

Of the lord Jesus Christ

Be my life,

Now and forever.

May God your banker!

If God wanted you

To give yourself

More to prayer

In order to practice virtue,

Wouldn’t you do it?

Although Mary was neither

A priest nor an apostle,

She applied herself to God’s

kingdom so much that she

surpasses all the Apostles.

For that reason,

The Church salutes her

As Queen of Apostles.

God does not

Look upon you

In the same way

That you think

About God.

Let us walk trusting Christ,

Like a gazelle

Or a young heart swift

On all the paths of justice.

Mary speaks to us:

My child, look on my divine son

Hanging on a cross.

It is the book from which you

Are to learn

A necessary lesson.

Do not seek

God looks upon you

With loving mercy.

Even in your

Trials and agonies,

But with deeds.

I will not fear those

Who can kill my body,

But those who can help

Me to lose my soul and you,

O God.

Do not foolishly presume

To know the moments

And the hours which are

In the hand of God.

God is the true life;

God will always be with you.

Thus you will always have

The true life.

Trials are a sure sign

That God is with you.

It is love

That brings Jesus

To wherever

There is want and need

Let us seek God.

In God alone

We will be safe

Trials are a sure sign

That God is with you.

Look at yourself

And all your life

From the viewpoint

Of God’s infinite power,

Wisdom, love

And mercy.

Show mercy toward your

Neighbor in order to obtain

Mercy for yourself.

Look at yourself

And all your life

From the viewpoint

Of God’s infinite power,

Wisdom, love

And mercy.

You are not

Beyond the reach

Of God’s

Infinite mercy.

Jesus wished to say:

Blessed are you,

Although persecuted by the world,

Because the kingdom

Of heaven is yours

You are well off;

If you are loved and esteemed.

Return thanks to God

And the Blessed Mother.

Your distress is the object

Of God’s goodness and mercy.

God be with you in all your

Apostolic undertakings.

Draw near to the holiness

Of the Church’s heroes

By reading their lives.

Then you will catch

The fire of their zeal.

We must begin

To reform our lives

By putting all our confidence

In God.

Entrust to our lady

All things that may

Concern your health

Of mind and body;

Do not let anything

Worry you.

Mary speaks to us: learn from

The divine exemplar, Jesus Christ,

To have charity toward your

Neighbor, not with strong words

And thirst for holiness

The more we

Shall be filled.

Jesus Christ assures us:

The more we hunger

as to be well prepared

for death.

My God

that all may be

one fold and

one shepherd.

My child, remember that if

You have suffered, you also

Have consolation in time and


Experience shows us

that when a group of people

are intensity of activity

and work is

easily lost.

I can tell you

From my heart

That God is with you.

In God

I always find myself

united with you

in all your works.

Draw near to Jesus;

Learn from him

How to obtain the power

And grace to become meek

And gentle of heart.

This is not the time to think,

speak or act as a child,

but as a man or woman

of God.

With humility

And a childlike confidence

Ask for the light of God’s

Truth and Jesus will rejoice

To give it to you.

What God demands of you

is love, gratitude,

and cooperation.

To pretend

Not to have to die

Would be foolish

Send forth, o Lord,

laborers into your vineyard,

and spare your people.

If you have failed

in the past

by not using well

the gifts of God,

do not lose heart.

Let us pray

that we may enter often

into the spirit

of God’s interests.

Whoever is with God

is always well.

Sufferings will have an end.

their reward will never end.

Let us profit

by the vivid impression

made by the death of others.


will never cost anyone

as much as it cost

Live in such a way

Jesus Christ.

The delight of Jesus

has always been with the poor.

Love does not seek

its own advantage,

but the advantage

of Jesus Christ.

Everyone must try to prevent

the eternal loss

of their neighbor and

must use all means
for their salvation

In the Christian,

there is more to do

than to say.

so few words

and many works.

Lord, grant that I may never

profane your sacred words,

neither in speaking them

nor in writing them.

my intention

is that you be my

speaking and


Anyone who prays

must do so persistently.

With a sigh a relief,

breathe in God.

Take head

that your pupils

do not surpass

you in love.

Jesus was ready

to do everything

he had to do

for the whole world,

just to save

one single soul

Some priests and lay people

longed for the promised moment

when there would be

one fold and one shepherd.

During the day,

humble and fervent

short prayers must be recited…

Jesus, my mercy;

You can breathe

in God and

breath out God.

We hope that through

our fervent prayers

God will let that day

come about soon,

Which sees

the whole world

as one fold

with one shepherd.

All who are called and chosen

have received from the lord

talents in a measure

according to their election

and holy vocation.

but everything

that pleases God

My God,

I always have

the need to ask you!

More than the talent

and ability of the preacher,

prayer makes the preaching

of the Gospel fruitful.

I do not want anything

that displeases God

in Christ’s footsteps,

because imitating him

is the essence of Christian life

and the quick road

to perfection.

The constant prayer

of many fervent Christians

brings forth the blessing

and support for the laborers

in the lords vineyard.

God is more generous

in giving than

we are in asking.

Are you perhaps unaware

of the fact

that the triune God

is dwelling within you?

When we desire

something useful,

it is God who instills this wish,

and when we pray for it,

it is truly God

who asks through us.

The best method

of private prayer

is that which the spirit

of the person finds easiest

and most fruitful.

My God, act in me

as you wish…

Do everything in me.

you are my all,

now and forever.

Nurture us with

your divine life and

thus make us

a new creation.

Are you scholars?

then contribute as much as possible,

that the Father, the son and Holy Spirit,

the mysteries of redemption

and the law of the Gospel

be made known.

The most precious

will of God

be our food,our drink,

our rest and our paradise

here on earth.

Lord Jesus

create us anew.

be or life.

In every movement

of my body, and every act of

my mind, I intend

to give God infinite glory.

I must tell you

that you are not constant

in your endeavors

to do good.

In every movement

of my body, and every act of

my mind, I intend

to give God infinite glory.

Are you rich in material goods?

Then use them as far as you can

for an increase in the means

that support the spreading

of the faith.

I make the greatest

use possible of every means

to make the flame of Baptism

burn brightly.

All Christians must follow

God sends us all hardships

out of infinite love.

Consider this thought:

Queen of apostles,

realizing our weakness,

we entrust the renewal of

our personal lives and

our apostolate to

your intercession.

Do not try

to escape suffering.

Hearts that possess love are

fit to receive all God’s graces.

If cheerfulness and joy

are lacking, few will

be attracted to

follow Jesus Christ.

Where you cannot reach with

your works, you will reach

with humility and trust in god.

continue to pray

with humility, confidence

and perseverance.

Anyone can excel in the good of the

apostolate, because god judges

the perfection and value of the

labor and work according to

the intentions of the heart.

I am bound to live

as the living image

of the infinite love of the Father and son.

Where you cannot reach with your works,

you will reach with humility

and trust in God.

Fear nothing. God will fulfill you. Everything is well when it is as God
Through the mercy of our God and

the grace of our lord Jesus Christ,

you will bear fruit.

God looks on you with loving mercy.

The Blessed virgin loves and protects

you. What more could you ask?

Oh my god, I ask you to give

me whatever insight I need to

discern the innermost part

of my heart.

Jesus, mournful unto death,

dragged and bound with

cords and chains, clothed in a

robe of disgrace, have

mercy on me.

Remember that paradise has

been prepared for you by God’s mercy.

No obedience will ever cost more than

it cost Jesus Christ.

God has shown us Mary,

who has so walked in the footsteps

of Jesus that she excelled all the

angels and all the elect.

Let us not forget the three fold

requisite of the Christian life :

deny yourself; take up your cross;

and follow Jesus Christ.

I am confused thought that you

would understand me. I must not

have expressed my self clearly


Behold the Madonna,

she wishes

to be with you.

she is the great


of Jesus.

In all actions, we should keep before

our eyes our exemplar, mode

l and practical norm; our lord

Jesus Christ

God wants to enlighten the

mind of the sinner.

As her children,

we wish to bring joy

to Mary, our Mother.

Pray, and pray again,

so that God

may send workers.

As Mary is

my special intercessor,

I am sure she will help

and all in the Upper Room

where the Apostles

received the

Holy Spirit.

My God, who can give me tears?

I want to cry because

of my enormous ingratitude

toward your infinite love

and infinite mercy!

Following our Lord

demands great confidence

in God and

great distrust of ourselves.

Let our life be always

at the foot of the cross

of our Lord Jesus Christ.

in him, we always

find greater happiness

If we do not pray

or do not pray properly,

we build a dam

before the goodness of God

who wants

to inundate us.

Place yourselves

In the hands of Mary

and do not let anything

worry you.

The royal road

to sanctity is humility

and trust in God.

With a happy and cheerful face,

We can prove

that the imitation of Christ

fills our lives with joy.

Through a continuous life

of deep humility and

great trust in God,

we learn and practice

the difficult art of


all temptations.


is but frailty at its best.

Lord, enrich me with your mercy,

transform me into

your mercy.

When Jesus Christ

teaches you to ask

for something in prayer,

it is a sign that he wishes

you to have it.

Prayer is easy

and possible for anyone

because divine mercy

does not exclude anyone

but urges all to pray.

Let us consider what words

of humility, meekness,

love, patience and prudence

have mercy on me.

Anyone who prays

must do so

in the name

our lord Jesus Christ

would utter.

St. peter and others

who were for a time

as wandering sheep

of the fold,

will how you

the way back again.

Establish for yourself

a regular daily exercise

of prayer.

It is our task

to co-operate in

the spreading of

the Gospel with

the power of God.

Jesus, stripped and scourged,

crowned with thorns

and greeted with derision,

spat upon, struck and ridiculed,

have mercy on us.

Let courage

lighten your step

and quicken your pace,

in the way that leads

to everlasting glory.

Many are sadly disappointed

when they cannot find

a little mote

in their neighbor’s eye!

The goal of every thought,

word and action

must be God

form whom

every good comes.

Jesus, poor and scorned,

unknown and despised,

betrayed and cheaply sold,

have mercy on me

Let your lips never

cease to utter

the desire of

your heart,

“thy kingdom come”

Your neighbor’s sin

is no excuse

for your uncharitableness.

I wnat nothing but God!


Only God!

Seek God always

and you will always

find God.

Everything is reparable

with confidence in God.

Pray that the will

of the most High

be done on Earth

even as it is

done in Heaven.

Jesus, laden with

the cross of our sins,

nailed to infamous tree

between two thieves,

wearied with insults,


who receives from God

the grace to do works

of charity and to profit by them,

will be the recipient

of new graces.

In order to arrive

at genuine joy,

it is necessary to pass

through genuine suffering.

until death, lovingly nailed

to the mystic cross.

God is always gracious

toward your weakness

your weakness is the object

of God’s goodness

and mercy.

Jesus Christ assures us:

the more we hunger

and thirst for holiness,

the more we shall be filled.

All must mediate often

on the obedience

of the crucified lord.

Eternal Father,

it is your will

that all should

be saved.

Show mercy

for your neighbor

in order to obtain

mercy for yourself.

Only one person

without the spirit

of Jesus Christ

will cause great harm.

Faith cannot

be spread throughout

the world unless it is

first reanimated

among Catholics

and their charity


Remember that the

eternal reward is not proportioned

to the size of the harvest

but rather to the amount

of effort spent.

With the help of divine grace,

you can do even greater things

than all the saints together.

I recommend you

to that portion of the flock

that is most easily neglected:

the poor, the sick, and the dying.

It is love

that brings Jesus

to wherever

there is want and need.

I resolve to love Mary

with the love

with which God loved her.

The ministry of the Gospel…

like a clap of thunder

that arouses the unhappy slaves

of sin to repentance,

to save them.

If many people

could only open their eyes

to the light of truth,

how different would the scene be

that their eyes gaze on.

For the love

of Jesus Christ,

we must persevere

My Jesus, I want to

leave you no more.

The only good is heaven. Your food must be

the infinite love of God.

I would like to become

Food to feed the hungry.

Do not believe

that you cannot

do what the great saints

of the Church have done!

I would like to become

Clothing to cover the naked.

I would like to become

a soft bed for the weary.

I would like

to become life

to raise the dead.

Rest assured

That I neither had nor have

the intention of abandoning you.

Oh my eternal, infinite,


incomprehensible God,

you are the food

of my soul.

God gave us the darkness

of the night to bring us rest

after the struggles of day,

and also to prepare us

for the eternal rest in heaven.

May everyday be lived

as a thanksgiving for

the Mass celebrated

and a preparation for the Mass

to be celebrated.

May your hunger be great

and your thirst to advance

in holiness be ardent

and do not doubt:

God will satisfy you.

We will use all

as good stewards

so that we will attain

our last and glorious end.

Woe to us if we preach alms,

and we do not

open our hands to the poor.

Since we have been created

in the image of God,

we are endowed with

and urge proper to our nature,

to do good always and

never to be lazy.

We must be content

with our food and clothing,

so that we may have

some small offering

to give to those in need.

Lord, take all of me,

destroy my life

and let your life be my life.

God wishes us to make use

of medicine in our illnesses.

My God, my infinite,

immense, incomprehensible

mercy! I do not

know you as i should.

I ask you to say often

and from your heart:

“Oh Lord, in you have I open;

let me never be put to shame;

your mercy endures forever.”

There are times,

when more than

ordinary prayer is needed

to put aright minds and hearts.

Our heritage is God,

God entirely,

the Father, the Son,

and the Holy Spirit.

Often glance with confidence

at the picture of

Jesus and Mary that i give you.

You will be comforted.

My God, in your infinite love,

you created me according

to your image and likeness.

Help me to use your gifts

and improve myself

so as to become totally

your living image.

Your most serious illness

is mistrust.

The only purpose

is the glory of God.

My God,

you are infinite goodness.

You want to

spend yourself infinitely.

I resolve to glorify God

as Jesus Christ glorifies God

when he was visible on this Earth.

Pray to obtain the grace

which will enable you

to rid yourself of mistrust

and fill you with

spiritual confidence.

All, young and old, healthy and

sick, in any position of life

assigned to them by God,

can participate fully

in the apostolic mission

of Jesus Christ

by any means whatsoever.

It must be remembered

that if holy joy is lacking,

very few souls

will be led to God.

Eternal word,

Redeemer of all creation,

lead all people to yourself.

If we are children of God,

we must love those God loves

and seek what God seeks,

namely, the salvation

of all people.

I wish so much

to be the occasion

that ever more

increases God’s glory.

Lord Jesus,

you nourish us with your light

and destroy all the darkness within us.

I would like

to become light

for the blind.

Trust God like a child! Our faith is a grace and a gift.
The greatest weakness

is anxiety in all things.

Put everything

in God’s hands.

One cannot be indifferent

to small gifts and contributions.

Often these small means,

combined, result in greater sums

which can achieve

great results.

Console yourself

with the thought of the

delight you give God

by enduring everything

as God wills it.



Let nothing disturb you,

let nothing frighten you:

God alone is sufficient!

God will reward

your zeal and love.

Every mission

in the true Church of Jesus

Christ is called

Catholic Apostolate.

May God grant

that much good be done

through these printed prayers.

Promises and expectations

will be fulfilled

When it pleases God.

Imagine that every day is the

first and last day of your life.

Remember that

the trial distressing you

is not to death,

but to eternal life in glory.

Even one person filled with

the spirit of Jesus Christ will do much.

The only example

is the life of Jesus Christ

Is an image of the eternal,

the infinite, the immense,

the incomprehensible.

We are truly children of

God, heirs of God

and co-heirs with Christ.

Time is precious and brief;

the past does not return.

God is faithful! I embrace you and greet you in God.
We must try to become ever more like

our Lord Jesus Christ,

our first born.

May God bless these printed

prayers with abundant fruit

throughout the entire world.

Your present state is a gift

offered to you by god asleep,

whether I eat, drink or walk,

whether I think of you or do

not think of you.

My mercy, you operate in me always,

by day and by night,

whether I am awake or

May the life of Jesus Christ be my

meditation, my study,

the splendor of the Church.

Praying with ST.Francis de Sales:

of myself I can do nothing.

With God, I can do all things.

Mary, Queen of Apostles,

is the patroness of the

Union of the Catholic

Apostolate. She is a n

outstanding example of

apostolic zeal for all the members.

In the Church of Jesus Christ,

those sent y the same divine

Redeemer to bring the light of

truth to all peoples and nations

are called apostles.

Seek God and you will find God in

all things and you will find

God everywhere.

Even the best efforts of

individuals cannot be successful

unless they are united and

directed to a common goal.

God gave me the complete and

convincing feeling, that now was

to be the decisive beginning of

a new life, as if through the

power of God, my youth, my

strength and perfect holy life

were to begin again.

Our Lord, Jesus Christ is the

Apostle of the Eternal Father,

who sent him to make amends

for the broken honor of God

and to redeem all people.

The Catholic Apostolate is

universal to everyone.

Prayer is the infallible means to

obtain from God everything we desire.

The practice of love is the

complete life of the Union of the

Catholic Apostolate.

Can you pray for the salvation

of others? Pray. You will be

an apostle! Can you give good

example? Do so…

Some priests and lay people longed

for the promised moment when there

would be one shepherd.

Can you encourage your neighbors

to do well? Then encourage them!

This is what I mean by “apostolate”!

God is ready to do more than

we can ever request or imagine.

Yet God wants us to do all that

is humanly possible in this world.

The Catholic Apostolate should be

like a trumpet for the Gospel,

which calls all and invites all, which

excites in us the zeal and love

of all believers.

Apostle means being sent –

apostolate means mission.

We have the holy Gospels!

What more do we want?

The Christian, by means of Baptism,

enters a living communion with Christ,

as the branch to the vine.

If we are rally animated by the

spirit of love , we will always

treat all with love, look on all

with love and speak of all

with love.

Where there is no love,

there is no apostolate.

If we follow the Gospel, it is enough!
My Jesus, may all the love of eternity

be mint in every instant,

for all eternity.

Holy Divine Spirit, enkindle in

all hearts your ardent love that

can do all things.

My God…day and night whether

I am awake or asleep, whether

I think of you or not, you always

think of me in your infinite love.

You always think of me in your

infinite love. You love me and

are turned toward me!

Lord, may it not be just lip

service what I say about you..

But that I truly believe it and that

I am deeply convinced of it

in my heart.

MY Jesus, on the holy altars,

even if I do not think of you,

you wait for me always and burn

with infinite fire of love to give me

all of yourself and always

with infinite fullness.

Any one who prays must do

so with faith and trust.

Compete with each other as to

who loves God most.

Love has a structure! The only love is God!
Lord, you have become a

fool of love for me. How

can I not become a fool

of love for you.

As a servant of God, do not

trust yourself and your strength

completely, but put all your

trust in the infinite power of

divine grace.

God loves us and works

for us unceasingly

Be convinced that God will

lovingly bless the efforts

of the faithful and untiring laborer.

My God, you continually choose

to speak words of infinite love.

Oh my God, I ask you to give

me whatever insight I need to

discern the innermost part of

my heart.

Lord Jesus, you nourish us

with your wisdom and blot out

our ignorance.

The true idea of the nature and

activities of the Union of the

Catholic Apostolate…. increasing,

defending and spreading the piety

and the Catholic faith.

Ah my God and my all! God alone!

Oh the love of God enkindles me!

If God made you powerful here on

earth then use this power to spade,

preserve and renew the holy faith.

Infinite love, I am desperate!

I do not know how to love you

as much as I ought.

All are called to the apostolate

according to their position in life.

All accepted members should be

encouraged to make an hour of

adoration before thee Blessed

Sacrament twice or at least once

a month, at that time pray for the

spreading of the faith and for all

of the Catholic Apostolate.

Can you pray for the salvation of men?

Pray. You will be an apostle.

Can you give good example?

Do so….

Can you exhort your neighbor to do good?

Then exhort him.

This is apostolate.

Do good, suffer evil and persevere,

For this is the essence of apostolic


No difficulty, no obstacle which cannot

Be overcome.

If we have put off our wholehearted

service to God for days, months,

or years, let us be sorry.

Remember that the eternal reward

is not proportioned to the size of

the harvest but to the effort


Let us work, let us never get tired,

Let us work. “Let us do good to all

Men, but especially to those who

Are of the household of faith.

Give o lord a pure zeal and

Unquenchable thirst to save souls and

To glorify you, give me gift of

Frequent prayer.

God will be pleased if you are

Careful not to let one day pass

Without praying in particular for the

Conversion of the whole world.

The apostolate of Jesus is the

Obedience to his father, namely the

Work of man’s redemption.

Fire! Fire!

If the devil does so much to destroy soul,

What shall we do to save them?

A good word suggested at an

Opportune moment trusting in God’s

Help could convert a person and reap

Immeasurable benefits.

To perform the smallest act of charity

For my neighbor, I would even throw

Myself into the flames of hell,

Though only prompted by the grace

And love of God.

The most difficult virtue to keep

in community Life is mutual love;

but without it community

is doomed to destruction.

If we are truly animated by the spirit

of love.We shall always treat all

with love, Look on all with love,

Think of all with love,

And speak of all with love.

When one acts with pure zeal and

Fervent love there is no temptation,

The love of God and Jesus should

impel you to do everything.

My god… please let me go,

to where God wills …let me

go where God calls me.

The doorkeeper shall treat all with

humility, kindness, patience,

cheerfulness, docility, affability

and perfect charity.

Live each moment as if it were the

beginning, all will say one our father,

hail Mary and glory be in honour of

st. Joseph, in order to obtain for

ourselves and for all the dying,

the grace of a happy death.

The doorkeeper shall treat

all with humility, kindness,

patience, cheerfulness, docility,

affability and perfect charity.

Upon hearing the bell, the doorkeeper

should go immediately with holy

cheerfulness, thinking that God is

calling him.

The missionaries shall never

let themselves be seen going to

the altar to offer holy mass without

first having made a devout


To the religious:

“You are spouses of the


Their entire lives are lives of preparation

and thanksgiving for the divine sacrifice.

This in fact must be the life of priests.

To laymen: “let us remember

That in order in order to

Enter the kingdom of heaven,

We must become image of Jesus


The most noble and precious

part of the house is, with all

certainty, the church and sacristy.

To the priests: “you are a

Priest of the crucified

And as such you must constantly

Strive to live and die on the cross”.

To celebrate the mass befittingly,

prepare yourself saying devoutly “Lord,

I am not worthy”.

Sufferings are precious. They should

be esteemed and desired.

Come o lord, do not delay,

because I cannot stay a moment

without you.

A sister is a spouse of Jesus Christ.

That is why she has to suffer. So

thank god that you have so many


In order to arrive at genuine joy,

it is necessary to pass through

genuine suffering.

The passion and death of our

lord Jesus Christ should be the

most frequent subject of our meditation.

In all my works may it always be Jesus

who lives and acts in me. United to

him I offer you the correspondence

of his most holy humanity.

A sister is a spouse of Jesus Christ.

That is why she has to suffer.

So thank god that you have so

many opportunities.

A life of sacrifice must consist

in the most perfect, constant

and universal practice of mortification.

My God, Not the intellect, but God, Not the

will, but god, not the soul, but God, Not

the hearing, but God, Not body, but God,

Not and be despised for the glory of God;

paradise. Paradise; how beautiful is

the exercise of all virtues.

Let all my thoughts, words and

actions and my entire self be changed

into Christ. Let Jesus Christ work in

my life be destroyed, let your

life be my life.

In every movement of my body and every

act of my mind I intend to give

God infinite glory. Jesus always knows how

to make great saints out of men who

are great sinners.

My God, my entire life is a continuous

of your mercy and the greatest one is that

you transform me into yourself perfectly.

Yes my God. I want you because

this is what you want.

Happy are the souls who ardently desire

sanctity, for their desire will be

Prayer, confidence in God; let us pray

to the Blessed virgin; she will protect us.

My Mother, watch over us.

We must hold the family of the house

of Nazareth as the model for every

community of our houses.

On entering and leaving the room,

I will prostrate myself before the

divine presence

Let every one consider himself as the

least in the Society and the most

unworthy to belong to it.

The almighty God, the supreme lord who

eternal in his grandeur, rich in mercy,

abundant in treasures ….such God is my

God and my all.

Ah my God, by myself can do nothing;

with you I can do everything. I wish to

do everything for you. To you honour,

to m contempt.

Let every one consider himself as

the least in the Society and the most

unworthy to belong to it.

Even if I am a sinner, if I so desire,

I can always gain mercy.

Put everything in God’s hands.

Beg the intercession of our sorrowful

mother Mary and of the angels and saints

No superior shall expect to be given

particular consideration in, or

exemption from all that regards common

life, and all should shun even the shadow

of singularity and superiority.

In this world always look at God

and then look at yourself. Doing

this you will never find

Our soul is a living and intelligent being

with the distinctive characteristics of being a

living image of God, and of the whole God

God does not look upon you as you think

He does. Even in your trials he looks upon

you with his loving mercy.

All Christians must follow in Christ’s

footsteps, because imitating him is

the essence of Christian life and the

quick road to perfection.

All for God, nothing, nothing for me;

God alone in everything; I wish to

suffer infinitely

In every action I will say to myself,

try to think of how Jesus, Mary and

the saints would have performed the action.

I pray to God that he may make

me very similar to our lord Jesus

Christ in my works and

dealings with others.

Lord Jesus expels me and put yourself

in me, destroy my life and may your

life be me life.

If you wish to snatch souls from the

of the devil, and populate heaven,

spread the devotion to the most Blessed

Mary and do not forget to propagate also

the devotion to the angels.

To permit laziness would be to degrade

our souls and to act against the purpose

of our creation, because he in creating us

in his likeness has set us an example off

Time is precious, short and irreparable.

I would use it like a person comes back

to life after death, and I ill remedy the

past. It is called “price of eternity”.

we priests must have a devout and distinct

love for the most Blessed Virgin, because

are able to know her more than others can,

we are like her more than others, we have

more need of her than any one else.

Life is short; let us work,

when it is day…

In heaven we shall rest.

May I suffer for you. Give me

great suffering to bear for love

of you, you are worthy of all love.

Come to me at any time. Ask for

my help With confidence. You will

soon discover how much I live you

with my motherly heart and how

solicitous I am for you.

I wish nothing but God, God entire,

God alone. If only I could love infinitely

and suffer and be despised infinitely

Because of the fullness of her merits,

holy church salutes Mary with the

profound title of queen

of the apostles.

It is my task to care for you, to guide

you, to sanctify. You are to walk up

the holy mountain of beatitudes until

you reach eternal happiness in heaven.

The real source of joy lies

in suffering for the love of God.

Holiness consists in doing God’s will.
In fact actions are the true proof

of love. The proof of love is the

performing of deeds.

The most precious will of God be

our food, our drink, our rest, our

paradise on earth.

I am the living image of the spirit,

the infinite love of the father and

of the son. Therefore my life must

be a life of love in the infinite love.

My God, I am unworthy of your mercy

and graces. My God, let thy will be my

and let thy life be my life.

God is love: man by nature of his

creation is the living image of God.

Since God is perfect in loving man,

man must be perfect in loving God

and his neighbor.

No one practicing the spirit of obedience

perishes in hell. Imagine that you see

gates of hell with the inscription the

obedient shall not enter”.

In all situations say to yourself:

God has put me in this state, he

gives me these obligations, so in

his fidelity he will grant e the grace to

fulfill them.

The more a priest strives for

holiness, the more he will make

his people holy.

The priest must preach

the word and not himself.